Why a WARRIOR and not a PATIENT?
We have the great pleasure of being the Agents in our clients’ incredible journeys to improve their lives, recover from illness or operations. To witness the strength of character they demonstrate in overcoming the challenges they face or their determination to reach milestones and surpass them never fails to amaze. For this reason we believe that they are Warriors. These Warriors are on the path to redefining what ageing means. They show what can be achieved with passion and a can do attitude. We celebrate their accomplishments everyday.
CLICK for some of their stories & learn about their systems for success


Your extended TAL Team
We understand that recovering well from illness or operations as well as staying motivated requires a strong partnership with both our TAL Warriors and their support network. Therefore your key network, clinicians, family or friends become part of the TAL Team, they become vital MEMBERS who can access our expertise and resources. You choose who has access to your personal web portal. This tracks your progress, provides regular updates and helpful information for your network.
CLICK for more on MY TAL and to register
A unique, tried and tested approach which places our Body Pension (our ageing well model ) at its’ heart.
Click to visit our Lifestyle Services
The Body Pension - Invest in the right way and reap the rewards